jobs & capital
WORK FROM HOME full or part time. Self motivated people required. No experience necessary only a willingness to learn. Full training given. 100% risk free opportunity. Jill 678 708 431 email
[email protected] (L*)
NEED EXTRA CASH after Christmas? Want extra income for a special occasion or holiday? Join my team of virgins! It�s the perfect job to fit around your work, social life and existing family commitments. Call Carolle 616 923 096 (*)
THE OTHER SIDE OF love Escort Agency, urgently requires escorts and models. Excellent rates of pay Tel. 696 611 666 (MA9)
PUNTA PRIMA (LA RECOLETA / El Ricon) - Agents wanted � To promote this very requested beachline developments we are currently looking for partners based in Spain or in the UK. High commission paid! For more details please visit (*W)
WWW.RAPIDO-AIR.COM Make 2007 a success running your own vehicle air-conditioning franchise OTE 60k P/A 951 707 416 (MA16)
ESTABLISHED ENGLISH ESTATE Agent in Albir requires rental properties within the Albir/Altea/Alfaz area to supply constant demand from clients. Please call 96 686 5609 (*T)
LADY REQUIRED 25-30 y/o to assist female massaging friends. GSOH own transport essential Torrevieja area 620 794 810(MA09)
LOOKING FOR MOTIVATED English speaking people to fill marketing positions. Friendly and professional atmosphere. Rewarding compensation. Start immediately. Torrevieja office please call 691 903 553(MA16)
WWW.MRSKYTV.COM Start your own Sky TV installation business. Contact
[email protected] or phone 951 707 416 (MA16)
HEAD CHEF REQUIRED for new exciting classic European restaurante in Pedreguer. Must be reliable & hardworking. Knowledge of Spanish preferred. Good rates of pay for the right applicant. Call 677 488 431 (MA16)
WWW.BENITREE.COM Advertise your staffing requirements online for free (JU15)
REQUIRED CHEF AND pizzeria chef, waitress, waiter, from May Blue Lagoon. 630 673 440(MA16)
LADIES HAIRDRESSER NEEDED (male or female) with experience. To work in Benidorm Tel. 607 489 472 (MA16)
HARLEY DAVIDSON CALPE is looking for salesperson for help every Friday afternoon and Saturday full-time, at once. Contract for 12-hours-week, English and Spanish necessary. Tel. 965 834 882 or 618 628 723(MA09)
WWW.MR-KOOL.COM Domestic and commercial air-conditioning franchise opportunity. Full training and exclusive territories available, (investment required) OTE 100K P/A 951 707 416 (MA16)
SCALLOPS OF JAVEA require the following personnel: waiters/waitresses (Full and Part time) food runners and general kitchen assistants. Positions are full time with contract Telephone 96 577 1488 (MA30)
PIANIST REQUIRED FOR local dancing school (Alfaz del Pi) Tel: 96 587 35 70 (MA9)
WOULD YOU LIKE to earn good money, phoning businesses in the UK from our office in Benidorm? Good working conditions and excellent commission. Phone John at Spotlight Publishing Tel: 679 642 593 (MA9)
JOINER (FITTER) NEEDED for wooden houses. Phone in Alicante Tel: 618 651 414 (MA9)
COOK REQUIRED MAGGIES bar, restaurant, Parque del Duque Playa Flamenca, phone 660 105 773(MA23)
CHEFS, QUALIFIED AND experienced, required for permanent positions at popular Javea restaurant offering modern and traditional international cuisine. Contracts with competitive salaries determined by experience and position applied for. Please telephone 617 913 189 (MA09)
CHEF/COOK REQUIRED in Arenal Javea good opportunity for right person with contract and good rate of pay tele 648 052 916 (MA9)
STAFF REQUIRED JAVEA New hardware shop seek manager with experience, computer literate, age approx 30-40 year. Also shop assistants age approx 22-30 years. Both positions require fluent in Spanish and English. Tel 96 579 2126 (MA30)
VILLAPAC � NUMBER 1 furniture supplier in Spain & Portugal is opening shortly in Murcia. Experience staff required; warehouse staff, installers, showroom manager, showroom sales and business to business sales. All levels of vacancies needed, Please send CV�s to
[email protected] (MA23)
CALPE WEB PROMOTION/Development. We are looking for an independent and responsible younger person to help in the launch of a new project. The work is initially home based (ADSL connection) half day morning and involves contact with small businesses, users and the site developers, web maintenance and emails. Good spoken and written English, spoken Spanish. Driving licence. The work could have extra interest for someone familiar with PHP/MySQL but programming isn�t required. Tel Mark 626 829 330(MA16)
WE ARE LOOKING for an English/Spanish speaking person to work in general office duties in an insurance agency close to Alicante city. Please send curriculums to fax number 965 632 209(MA09)
EARN UP TO 75 euros for 15mins work. A new kiss-a-gram/strip-a-gram agency starting up Benidorm and surrounding areas. Male & Female models required Tel 692 203 287 (MA30)
EUROTABACO BENIDORM is looking for smart personnel for the positions of shop assistants. English and Spanish required. Attractive remuneration package. Please call 96 586 47 50 or email
[email protected](MA09)
HARLEY DAVIDSON CALPE is looking for an experienced repairperson. full-day, at once, contract naturally Tel. 965 834 882 Or 618 628 723(MA09)
ANN SUMMERS PARTY planners wanted in the Costa Blanca area. Bubbly, confident ladies only!! Have great fun earning good money. Or call to book your own party, and win FREE gifts. Call Anne 658 342 727 (AP13)
IN THE TIME it takes to read this, you can start healing a headache, backache, anxiety, phobias, help with serious illness with this amazing "tapping" therapy called EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. Cousin to accupuncture, no needles. Professional tuition at all levels with accredited certification or treatment sessions. More information Marie 676364984
[email protected]
CROUPIERS REQUIRED FOR Fun Casino nights, applicants must be experienced, smart and reliable with own transport, North Costa Blanca area. Call 966 074 034 or 699 836 251(MA09)
WE ARE SEARCHING for salesmen for publicity sales in different areas the region of Murcia. We offer a safe working environment, attractive commission with warranty, as well as promotional prospects. This is your opportunity of 2007! Use this email �
[email protected] (MA09)
EFFICIENT, PRESENTABLE PERSON required to work 9am-5pm on front desk in busy office close to Altea. Applicants must speak Spanish and English and have basic office and computer skills. Call 965 870 400 or email
[email protected] (MA9)
HUMANITIES TEACHER REQUIRED for Secondary school, starting in April 2007 (summer term), part time. The Secondary school is looking for an inspiring and professional Teacher of Humanities who will be responsible for teaching Geography KS3 and History KS3 and KS4 (Year 10 only). Please send your CV in as soon as possible addressed to Zoe Jessop. Please enclose names of referees that we can contact for details of your qualifications to Zoe Jessop. Mar Azul Int. School, Urb Mar Azul, Paseo Central Bloque K bajo, Ctra Cartagena KM 3 03180 Torrevieja, (MA16)
COUPLE REQUIRED FOR changeovers Saturdays during summer, including cleaning, making beds and general household duties etc., Must be flexible. Excellent rates of pay for reliable, honest and of pleasant attitude. References required. Please telephone Mrs Cottrell, 96 586 60 86 quoting Altea villa. (MA23)
EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTED, hours to suit for huge garden in Altea, must be knowledgeable, honest and reliable. References required. Please tel Mrs Cotrell 965 866 086 quoting Altea villa (MA23)
A COMPLIMENTARY TABLE for you and a friend in return for 250 word restaurant review. Call 0034 618 411 983(MA09)
DENTAL NURSE PART TIME (20-30 hours per week) for modern clinic in Albatera, Alicante. Working language English but advantage to be confident in Spanish. Swedish-Spanish is also a possible combination. Please email cv to
[email protected] or phone +44 (0)1604660285(MA23)
QUALIFIED PAINTERS REQUIRED for well established painting and decorating firm in Moraira. Contact 965 745 107. (MA23)
SUNCARE CENTRAL � EXPANDING to Benidorm. Looking for enthusiastic people to join their team. You must be friendly, outgoing and enjoy interactive with people. No experience is needed as full training will be given, so, for a fun, sun loving opportunity, call 638 789 390(MA30)
CROUPIERS REQUIRED FOR Fun Casino nights, applicants must be experienced, smart and reliable with own transport, North Costa Blanca area. Call 966 074 034 or 699 836 251(MA09)
IN THE TIME it takes to read this, you can start healing a headache, backache, anxiety, phobias, help with serious illness with this amazing "tapping" therapy called EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique. Cousin to accupuncture, no needles. Professional tuition at all levels with accredited certification or treatment sessions. More information Marie 676 364 984
[email protected] (MA16)
NEW CREATIVE DESIGN Kitchens at Pedreguer. Full time office position suitable for young person wishing to develop within a growing business. Duties will include telephone, reception, dealing with suppliers and general office and administration tasks. Must be presentable, numerate and most of all must be of a cheerful and pleasant disposition. Spanish is a must. This is a secure position with genuine opportunities to grow with the business. Call Katie on 966 456 269 or email
[email protected] (MA23)
SAN MIGUEL, GARDENER and pool person needed. 966 723 131 / 690 333 972 (MA23)
RUN YOUR OWN business for free � Earn 1,000 euros or more per month part-time. Torrevieja area. Details: 666 613 468 (MA16)
SPOTLIGHT PUBLISHING NEED a telesales person to work from our Benidorm office selling advertising in our UK publications. Good working conditions and earnings. Telephone John 679 642 593 (MA23)
DOG WALKER WANTED for Calpe area. Tel 965 835 634 / 630 711 361(MA23)
TODOCAMPING MEDITERRANEO IN El Campello are looking for an experienced electrical mechanic for repairing and maintaining caravan type vehicles. Spanish required, attractive remuneration. If interested, please contact 647 532 490 or
[email protected] (MA16)
TEAM SPANISH WITH us we�ll guarantee search and find work for you Torrevieja 663 398 168(AP06)
WE ARE SEEKING experienced self motivated sales advisers to attend and run our Spanish Property Exhibitions in and around the UK. Applicants must have proven extensive knowledge of the Southern Costa Blanca and Costa Calida. Lived in Spain over 12 months and hold a clean euro driving licence. We also require UK based Spanish property owners for same line of work. All past applicants need not apply. Please e-mail:
[email protected] with short CV and recent photo. (MA16)
resource: Costa Blanca News